Registration information


Age limit

You must be at least 15 years old (calendar year).


What does it cost to participate?


NOK 440, 8-14 April

NOK 520 until the end of June

NOK 620 until the end of August

NOK 720 until race day

Half price for those aged 15-24 (born 2001-2010)

NFIF License

Norwegian Athletics Federation License

Everyone who participates must have a license!

Those who have bought a year-round license through an athletics club in Norway do not need to buy a one-off licence. All others must purchase a one-time license. The price of this varies between NOK 30 and 50. If an injury occurs during the race, treatment will be covered.

Read more about license


Support our charity

Ønsketransporten (The wish transport)

If you, as a participant, want to support a charitable organization when registering, then it is Ønsketransporten (The wish transport) that you can support this year. Their goal is to be a contributor to good experiences that would otherwise not be possible.

Read more about the Wish Transport

This year's 3-Sjøers t-shirts

3-Sjøers t-shirts

Last year’s t-shirts!

You buy this year’s t-shirt when you sign up, or via “My page”.
The t-shirt costs NOK 350

My page


Register for this year's race.

Here you can sign up yourself, a friend or family. For companies that want to manage a team and have an invoice sent, you can choose the Company registration.

Enter now!Participant list

My page

If you wish to change any information, you can log in to “My page” with your username and password. You were sent these as an e-mail after registration from Onreg / Stavanger Marathon. Check all inboxes, including the one for spam if you can’t find it.

If you can’t run yourself, you can transfer your start number for the distance to another in this way: Give the new participant your username and password and a link for logging in, so that the person can change the data.

For those aged between 15-24, who have signed up for half price, these can only be transferred to those in the same age group (born 2001-2010).

My page